TWO CHAMPIONS IN THEIR FIELDS – Domestic Diva Martha Stewart, takes on challenger Susan Salvo in the ULTIMATE SHEET FOLDING THROWDOWN! We go now to the challenger’s dressing room for a special interview.

“While I may not cook like Bobby Flay, the star of Food Network’s show Throwdown, I can outdo anyone in the laundry room.” says Salvo.

Salvo continues, “During student massage clinic, we average about 3 to 4 overflowing baskets of linens per day. The school uses a linen service for class, but during clinic, more linens are used so I haul them back home to wash.”
“Loads and loads of linens make their way through the 3 machines – the washer, the dryer, and finally ME, the folding machine. I’m fast. I’m tenacious. I’m totally methodical. And I’m unstoppable.” remarks Salvo.
After further questions, Salvo says that the massage table is perfect for the repetitive slinging and stacking of sheets. She adds, “My husband and teenage daughter, Chelsea, don’t try to help me with the linens – I don’t want them to – they just slow me down. Picture the Tasmanian Devil spinning through a clothesline at 90 miles per hour and leaving a pile of neatly stacked rectangles in his wake. That’s me. Dillards and J.C. Penney have offered me jobs in the linen department. Hotels and hospitals want me to give seminars to their housekeeping staff. Dry cleaners are all envious of my extreme folding skills.”
Salvo continues, “By early morning, all the linens have been washed, neatly folded, and stacked symmetrically in laundry baskets, which my husband loads into the back of my minivan. And while I’m grateful for his assistance in loading, I’m secretly glad that the neighbors are still asleep and don’t see him in all his morning glory – boxer shorts, tousled hair, and bleary eyes. Then it’s back to the massage school for another day of student clinic. Needless to say, I gets lots of practice during the four weeks of student clinic.”
At the end of the interview, Salvo smiles and states that she hopes Martha Stewart is feeling frisky and she might even “cut Mrs. Stewart some slack and only fold with my left hand.”